The scientific council of the Higher School of Journalism and Information Sciences is the supreme body within which the main educational and scientific orientations of the ENSJSI are decided. According to article 43 of the executive decree n ° 16-176 of June 14, 2016 fixing the standard statute of the higher school, “The scientific council is an advisory body issues opinions and recommendations, in particular on:
- Establishment project;
- annual and multi-year training and research plans;
- plans to create, modify or dissolve departments and, where appropriate, research units and laboratories,
- national and international scientific exchange and cooperation programs,
- training and research reports,
- partnership programs with various socio-economic sectors,
- scientific event programs,
- actions to promote research results,
- record for the acquisition of scientific and technical documentation.
- Actions relating to innovation, monitoring, technology transfer and entrepreneurship;
- Continuing education, development and retraining activities;
- Actions relating to the implementation of a quality assurance approach in education;
- Actions relating to the establishment of an information system;
It proposes orientations for research and scientific and technical documentation policies. It gives its opinion on any other educational and scientific question submitted to it by its chairman.
The director brings to the attention of the board of directors the opinions and recommendations issued by the scientific council.